Saturday, November 19, 2016

Mixed Feelings- The View of a Wife, Mother and Grandmother

I've been ask to write this for so long now but its all so hard to put all these feelings into words.

As I go through the boxes of keepsakes, photo albums and other things I have kept through the years, you do literally see your life pass before you. Somedays are so hard. When the tears start to fall sometimes you just have to walk away. Different things remind you of different times in your life. Where has the time gone? It puts things into perspective.

Overwhelmed is the first feeling that I had and continue to have as I see the clock tick closer to December 1st. There are so many things to do, but then I think of all we've done since March and see a lot of progress made and so many decisions made but there is still a long ways to go.

Scared of what does actually wait us. Sometimes new things are just plain scary. But it's an adventure. Dream big.

Sad- The tears flow freely as I write this part, as I knew they would. You cant help but feel sad.  We've farmed for 42 years. Maybe its just that the fun is gone or we are just plain tired, or both. We have both lived within 20 miles of where we grew up. We wouldnt be good parents and grandparents if this wasnt the hardest part. They're all within a 15 minute drive. I realize they are all grown up and have their own lives but they are such a big part of our lives. We are thankful they have been close to see our grandkids grow into fine young adults, except Hailee at age 3. I worry that she won't know us when we see them from time to time. Everyone assures me that Skype will help. I realize that a lot of parents and grandparents dont live close to all their kids and grandkids. We have been so lucky. I never thought we would be the ones to leave. We hope this presents opportunities for them to travel and see us also. Then how do say goodbye to friends? Jehovah has blessed us with so many friends. They've been there in good times and in the bad, always willing to help when they could even if just to sit and listen. We'll be back to visit and the invitation is always there to find us somewhere and come visit. We are so looking forward to the many new friendships that will be formed from one end of the country to the other.

Happy- what an opportunity we have to be able to do this. The adventures and exciting times that lie ahead for us and also our families. It means everything to us to have Nate, Lindsey and the girls come to farm.
Excited for the new adventure amd this new chapter in our lives. Let the adventure begin!!!

1 comment:

  1. We look forward to reading about your adventures and keeping in touch this way. I'm not much for change, I don't like when people I love move away!

    But we know you'll be back for visits to see your family and we can see you then too.

    Have fun, be safe and don't forget us. 😘Lots of hugs and love!
